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Writer's pictureJK Blue


When India got independence on 15 Aug 1947, the princely states were given option to either join India or Pakistan or remain independent. The King of Jammu and Kashmir; Maharaja Hari Singh could not decide which country to join and remained independent for some time. Meanwhile, Pakistan sent barbaric Kabaalis to capture Jammu & Kashmir in October 1947. These attacking forces carried out inhuman atrocities on innocent citizens that are unparallel in the history of mankind. They were very close to capturing Srinagar airport and cutting off all possible routes of military assistance to the state forces. The Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir signed the treaty of accession and Indian Army came for rescue of people of Jammu & Kashmir. The war continued for more than a year and later on UN mediated cease fire was declared with sizeable part of Jammu and Kashmir including Gilgit - Baltistan remaining under Pakistani occupation which is called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Part XXI of the constitution of India deals with temporary, transitional and special provisions. It is in this part of the constitution that Article 370 was drafted in 1954. This article was abrogated in August 2019. Earlier, this article empowered the constituent assembly of Jammu and Kashmir to make laws and have their own constitution (except defense, foreign affairs and communication). This article gave temporary special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. However, it was also a big hindrance in the path of development of Jammu and Kashmir and its merging with the main stream of the country. All other erstwhile princely states had fully merged with the main stream of the country and people living there enjoyed the benefits of the largest democracy of the world. However, Jammu and Kashmir remained aloof due to the provisions of this article. It was a major hurdle in the overall growth of the state since investments were not forth-coming in the state which is very essential for economic growth of the state.

Abrogation of article 370 has opened new avenues of development in Jammu & Kashmir. The first and foremost among the new development avenues that have opened is Right to Education. Students from Kashmir have got this right and they can receive education anywhere in the country. Earlier this opportunity was not available to the students and they were denied access to quality education due to article 370 being operative. Now, under one nation one constitution theory; the students are entitled to receive education anywhere in the country. Lots of students have already taken admission at premier educational institutions in the country and are drawing the benefit. Moreover, Indian Army is sponsoring talented students of weaker economic background for education at premier institutions in the country. We all know that education is the most important factor of development in any country. Therefore, opening new opportunities for students to receive quality education anywhere in the country is the biggest benefit of abrogation of article 370.

People of Jammu and Kashmir will be getting new job opportunities that will not only solve the problem of unemployment to certain extent but will also give a new path to follow for some misguided youth who could have otherwise adopted to anti-social and anti-national activities. The people of Jammu Kashmir will be united with the population of rest of the country and become a part of national mainstream. It has given a spirit of one nation and one constitution. The Kashmiri culture has spread further and the development as well as economic growth has got a much-needed economic boost post abrogation of article 370.

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