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Civil society plays a crucial role in whole of society approach to prevent and counter violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism/ dismantling of terror network. Best example what we can quote is state of Punjab, where civil society straight way denied the roots of terrorism and decided to progress on the path of peace and propriety, and secondly, we can look into the latest developments undergoing in North Eastern states, especially in lower Assam. The recent disengagement of the Mountain Division from the counter insurgency operations from lower Assam after suspension of operations by Bodo militants in Jan 2022 is the best suitable example of crucial role played by the local population of that area to negate the terrorism.

Now the question comes, what civil society means. In general, Civil Society is best understood as a diverse body of civil actors, communities and formal or informal associations with a wide range of roles, who engage in public life seeking to advance shared values and objectives. Civil Society actors typically include community leaders and groups, grass root associations, religious leaders, online groups and Social Media communities, local and grass root Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO), labor unions and professional associations, charitable functions, academic and research institutions. There is a broad data which reveals that the kinetic counter-terrorism efforts adopted in the past have been insufficient in undermining the appeal of extremist ideologies and preventing the spread of violent extremism. To supplement the void in kinetic operations, civil society has critical role in countering/ dismantling the terror network because it has the capacity & experience in working on programs that foster peaceful and inclusive society and mitigate structural conditions that are conducive to the spread of violent extremism. In addition, these are locally rooted, have access and influence on the communities.

There are key factors which plays important role in society for dismantling the terror network which include youth, woman, community local leaders, religious leaders and social media, who can provide impactful and lasting contributions. This is my second tenure in Valley and with my little personal experience on ground, I have seen youth are the most vulnerable or easy target for recruitment and mobilization effort by violent extremist organizations. Recent incidents in terrorist activities show that it is a misconception to understand woman only as victims or passive supporters of violent extremism. Indeed, woman are known to play a number of active roles in violent extremist organizations from gathering intelligence, recruitment, harboring and mobilizing resources to carry out suicide attack. Community leaders both at state level and grassroots level play a powerful role as mediators between communities and government bodies. The resulting partnership is useful in addressing a range of public safety concerns. Religious leaders serve not only as spiritual guide, but also as influential decision makers in a community and have both political and popular influence.

In addition to above, there exist other important stakeholders in the civil society like educationists, teachers, academicians, researcher, schools, law enforcement establishments, former violent extremist, media and lastly the most effective information technology and social media which has broken down traditional communication barriers, creating a more inter connected world. Terrorist organizations/ violent extremist organizations have exploited the power of social media to inspire, recruit and mobilize support, wage psychological warfare, incite and coordinated attacks and to raise funds to support their agenda.

Till now we have covered the key actors in the civil society which can influence the society both way by countering or supporting the terrorism network. In above we have spoken about Kinetic Operations which we as Army are carrying out, since decades successfully and besides this we are equally focused on Non-Kinetic operations which have shown positive impact in the environment. Similar emphasis on such operations is being expected to bring a sea change in the overall security situation in the affected area. This Society is certainly going to remain an integral part of it.

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