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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Praveen Yadav


Most of my brothers in armed forces would have noticed while traveling through Kashmiri countryside that local children, particularly those below 12 years of age look towards a passing Army vehicle and its occupants with a smile and often wave cheerfully while some of the children salute also. These children are usually accompanied by an elder- a parent or elder relative, who would also glance towards the vehicle however his reaction would be usually neutral. This is a contrast and it is worth trying to decode it.

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In India, children waving and saluting the passing vehicles of the Army and the Army men is a widely experienced phenomenon. Whether they are children from towns or from villages, all of us have seen them waving at us, saluting us wherever the fauj go. However, Kashmir was different in past years. There were no hand waving and definitely no salutes by the children to the passing by Army vehicles.

In fact, ten years earlier, when stone throwing was rampant, young children could be seen doing actions depicting stone throwing. So what has changed? How these young minds of Kashmir have transformed over the years? Who has brought about this change? Answers to these questions would help decoding the contrast.

It is a widely accepted fact that behaviour of children in public is a reflection of environment in their homes. First teachers of a child are his/her parents, then immediate elders/relatives and after six to ten years of age is the influence of the teachers in school. So if the children in Valley are cheering towards Army personnel and vehicles, there is a fair indication that in their homes and families, there is growing support for the Army. The same can be deduced for the schools, since school going children too can be seen waving and saluting the Army personnel. The teachers too are contributing in building a positive image of the Army. Although, elders accompanying the children may not display their admiration, however their silence does not mean that they have hostile attitude towards Army. The mere fact that they are not discouraging the children is an encouraging sign. The children have been changed by the elders who are speaking high about the Army in homes and in schools.

This change in attitude at grass root level (family) is the most positive development that has taken place in Kashmir. The basic fabric of society is the family and young children give out the true picture of prevalent environment in the family. The Indian Army has been conducting operations in the most professional, transparent and ethical manner in Kashmir. Even in the face of grave threat and provocation, the Army has displayed restrain and used minimum force to avoid collateral damages.

Apart from this, the endeavours undertaken as part of perception management have constructively engaged local populace and meaningful projects have made an impact on the lives of common people have enhanced image of our forces among hearts and minds of Kashmiris. Over a period of time, the actions contributed towards building up the image of Army as a people’s Army as perceived in any other part of the country. This perception has percolated at every level and over the years became an widely acceptable fact in Kashmir. Today, the Kashmiris are talking about it at homes, in the streets and in social gatherings. The situation has been improving, even after abrogation of Article 370, positive image of the Army is unchanged.

The children of Kashmir have picked up the mood of their families and their elders. They cannot cheer for the Army without tacit encouragement of their elders. The hard work put in by the Army over the period of time has won over the locals. The locals may not come out openly however their children are displaying the mood on their behalf.

The armed forces must now build up on our achievements and consolidate further to wean away the youth from joining the terrorists. Anyone who feels that situation in Kashmir is not conducive and our efforts are going nowhere, needs to take a drive in the countryside. If the children are waving, saluting with cheers, then be convinced that the efforts are in right direction. Apart from weaning away the youth, it is the time to invest in the children, the next generation of Kashmir, who will continue the cheering in future.

The Army is on the right path and needs to take cognizance of this barometer of perception that people of Kashmir are in support. Times are definitely changing in Kashmir, only for the better.

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