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Who Funds Terrorism in Kashmir

Sandeep Kundu


The terrorism started long back, its cause is after Pakistan‐aided forces including the Pakistan army had invaded Jammu and Kashmir. India that time protected its territory in Jammu and Kashmir by military means. In the recent decades, the methods of financing and the support structures that sustain and aid terrorism increased rapidly. Finances or the money flow can be termed as the life blood of terrorism.

Terrorism financing is providing financial support to individual terrorists or an organization of terrorist. Now terrorist are moulding themselves according to advancement of science and technology.

The terrorism now days changed its method of functioning. Now it includes more use of social media and internet to get either support or financial aid. Yet, this remains one of the most under researched facets of terrorism. The nature and functioning of terrorism has changed specifically with regards to training methods, recruitment, the use of social media and public support for militants. So, with the changing time we need measures to counter terror funding.

Source of Terror Funding

Across the border. Financing which comes from the control of narcotics trade in the Pak region. It also emanates from donations both within Pakistan and West Asia. Criminal activities and legitimate businesses are also being operated to generate money for separatists. The most common way is to pump the illegal currency through physical smuggling.

Hawala is emerging as the largest and most randomly used for money transfer through hawala network is corroborated by the trails of funds generated from Pakistan, UAE, ISI by conducts of various separatists parties appearing in Kashmir.

Narcotics is an effective and cheaper way to generate funds from within India to finance terrorist in India. Drug is being pumped into Kashmir via Pakistan which is further pushed into Punjab via Jammu and the money is used for the finances of terrorist groups.

Other Sources of terrorist funding include, digital currencies, kidnapping for ransom, the misuse of non-profit organizations, the trade in commodities (such as oil, charcoal, diamonds, gold), and low-level fraud. These may include donations to charities or as gifts to family members.

To fight against terror funding, therefore an essential part of the global fight against terror is Countering terrorism financing. Terrorists and terrorist groups continue to raise money with use of various means, countries must make it a priority to develop policy to counter it. One of the available option is the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF), an intergovernmental body that develops international standards to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Awareness is another easiest way to fight back of raising funds for terrorist activities. Recently Know Your Customer (KYC) is made compulsory, this entails financial organizations to have in person identification and to observe the lawfulness of the transaction as they may make multiple smaller-value transfers in an attempt to bypass security.

It has been found that Al- Qaeda, known terrorist organization is using internet in order to finance their organization, as it is the easier way through which they are able to reach a wider audience.

Effect of Terror Funding

Fund raised by terrorist org is used to develop Over Ground Workers that can sabotage and provide information. Recently many social media groups are known to circulate militancy related content and issue announcements when a known militant is trapped in a cordon. Using Social media propaganda campaign for the recruitment of more Kashmiri youths. Also glorification of death with the mass attendance further inspires many youths to join terrorism. Terrorist Org now also building their technical support for working in secrecy and hiring of technical experts for secure communication amongst the terror network. It is also fund that terrorist now virtual private network to work undetected and anonymously.


To stop terror funding, we have Countering Terrorism Financing (CTF) to fight against terrorist organization. Terrorists and terrorist groups continue to raise money to support their various means like travel, planning, preparation of terrorist acts, providing or receiving terrorist training. There is now an emerging consensus that a concerted global effort at choking the sources of terrorist finance. For this available option is Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental body that develops international standards to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Terrorists have changed exponentially in relation to the response given by the security forces. Despite the use of new technologies by the militants. However, the challenge posed in the cyber domain has not been countered effectively. Thus to effectively counter militancy at the lowest level, preventive measure to cull radicalization and recruitment of local youth is a priority. To stop the terror funding we require more efficient system and awareness among the nation.

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