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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Radicalization is a psychological process by which young, innocent minds are indoctrinated to support and follow the ideologies of radical organizations. Young people, especially those who are grown up physically but lack maturity and capability to judge the right from wrong on their own, are easiest targets for radical organizations. Radicalization is a gradual process and affects the thought process as well as psychology of a person very deeply. Once radicalized, these individuals will follow hard liners blindly. A radicalized individual loses his own identity and becomes a puppet in the hand of extremists/ terrorists who use him to fulfill their nefarious agenda against legitimate authorities.

A radicalized youth is most likely to use violence to perpetrate his views and consequently pick up a weapon and join terrorist organizations. Else he may be activated as an over – ground worker and provide all types of logistic support to the terrorists. He is thus now an instrument to spread anti-national sentiments through hate speeches and may be involved in various other destructive activities too. Life cycle of such radicalized youth who turn to be over ground worker or active terrorists is small and they are destined to either spend their lives behind the bars in jail or die at the hands of security forces.

A young person who could have grown up as a responsible son and looked after his old parents and other family members; sadly, loses his life as a victim of radicalization. The handlers are either sitting across the border in Pakistan or are local handlers who do not put themselves in harm’s way and lead a life of luxury at the cost of life of young radicalized youth. These handlers who spread the venom of radicalization earn lot of money for this nefarious act. On the contrary, an innocent, misguided, radicalized youth loses his life very early and parents lose hope and their support for old age.

It is thus important that young people are educated not to fall prey to radicalization. Innocent minds are indoctrinated in the name of religion, false narratives of atrocities by the State and misguided through false dreams of enjoyment in the afterlife. A young mind is too simple to be able to distinguish between facts and false propaganda. They become victims of extremist organizations and ruin their own life as well as the life of their family members. Young people are pillars of every society. It is on their shoulders that the responsibility lies to take the development process further ahead. We must thus protect our young generation from falling prey to false narratives being painted by extremists and save them from getting radicalized. Radicalization has already ruined many lives for more than three decades and we cannot afford to have more victims of this scourge.

There has been lot of development in the field of communication in past ten years. Everyone has access to electronic and social media. This technological advantage is being made use of by terrorist organizations in the process of radicalization. Hardliners use social media to indoctrinate as well as misguide innocent young minds and spread their anti-national agenda. The propagators of radical ideology remain unseen and spread their ideology in the intended part of the society. Thus, it is very much necessary to educate the young people to develop their own conscience and not to get influenced by negative ideology. A society can only prosper and progress in peaceful environment. The young generation has a great responsibility on their shoulders to create a peaceful environment for generations ahead.

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