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Writer's pictureJK Blue



Your Excellency, for the first time, you exhibited sanity and courage by uttering a bitter truth on the national media that Pakistan Government does not have money to run the country. What you said is unmistakably visible in all trends. Your trade deficit is at a record low, inflation is the fastest in Asia, stock market is among the worst in the world and if reports are to be believed, your embassy staff in some countries have not received their salaries. Your currency is at an all time low. Pakistanis have to now cough up Rs 176 to acquire one US Dollar. Even the currency of war-torn Afghanistan is stronger than Pakistan. Bangladesh, a country carved out of Pakistan is way ahead of Pakistan in terms of economy. What a shame!!

You have now ‘mortgaged’ your assets to get a fresh bailout from IMF and accepted their tough terms. These terms will lead to further rise in fuel & power prices and spiral up the already high inflation. Saudi Arabia has also offered you loan but again on stringent conditions and after you had to pledge of your national assets against the loan. As per agreement, in case of any default on installments, Pakistan would be asked to pay back the loan in 72 hours of a written request by Saudi Arabia. This is a rather insulting caveat but then for a beggar nation like Pakistan, dollars are more important than self respect, which in any case only existed in minuscule measures. You are still on grey list of FATF so no easy loans can come to you from any other international organisation. The debt trap of China is tightening .... hope they will not take over one of your airports if you default in payment. The CPEC money flow has been squeezed because the Chinese realized that your corrupt Generals and politicians were swindling huge amounts from the same.

Well sir, I will tell you why you are in this quagmire. It is rather people do not have any national character or ethos. Pakistan is not a country; it is a group of disparate people coming together by an accident of history. It is a piece of land which was carved out as a country due to a flawed two nation theory by short sighted opportunists and ambitious leaders like Mr Jinnah. Losing East Pakistan was the first proof of grave flaw of the two-nation theory.

Then, to get Kashmir, you over spent your exchequer to buy weapons and war waging equipment from delighted sellers. Having lost all wars to India, you then realized that you will not be able to get Kashmir by force. So, you started spending huge amount of money to train jehadis, buy more weapons and establish terrorists training facilities. On top of it, democracy was never able to take roots due to interventions by your unscrupulous Generals. The politicians too kept sucking the blood from the veins of your country as and when they wriggled to power after sham elections. The education system was kept primitive under pressure of the mullahs and thus radicalization and fundamentalism were easily facilitated.

The Baloch freedom struggle, Sindhi aspirations, Pashtun Nationalism, simmering discord in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, restiveness in NWFP, strengthening of TTP etc are all live indicators of the fact that Pakistan does not have an identity as a is just a ticking time bomb.

That is the reason why the saner people are exiting the country. And those who are exiting cannot proudly reveal their Pakistani identity overseas. Their green passport is a mark of shame that leads them to embarrassingly long checks at the airports, denies them jobs, accommodation and social acceptance. They open restaurants with Indian names so that customers feel safe to visit them. They are not at fault; their successive political leadership and military Generals are at fault who used terrorism as a state craft to score points on their neighbour's.... who poisoned the minds of generations with radicalism, who used the card of religion to stay afloat and encouraged fundamentalism? Thanks to their machinations, all wires of terrorist attacks anywhere in the world lead back to Pakistan. And then you try to take refuge in a bizarre and maliciously coined term called Islamophobia. If such phobia is there, Pakistan and only Pakistan is responsible for it. In Pakistan no one is safe.... a Sri Lankan is lynched by public, modesty of a woman is outraged publicly in Iqbal Park by hundreds of men, Ahmadias are thrown out of their homes, the Hindus are converted by force. This your Excellency, is Naya Pakistan.

I suggest you address your country once again and implore the citizens to raise the next generation on modern, secular and inclusive principles.

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