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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Pakistan has been the biggest hurdle in bringing peace and development to Kashmir. It has been eyeing to grab the territory of Kashmir since its pre-independence days. Pak-sponsored tribal raiders created mayhem in the border areas and subsequently moved towards Srinagar causing inhumane atrocities on the way. In this year-long struggle, Pak managed to get a big chunk of Kashmiri mainland and still retains it with the name Azad Kashmir. However, it is a slave territory under Pakistani rule where people don’t even have basic fundamental rights and always have to lead a life dominated by Punjabi- the Pakistani community.

For the last three decades, Pak-sponsored terrorism has been going on in Kashmir which has spilled the blood of a large number of civilians as well as security forces personnel. The process of development took a back seat and three decades of terrorism have been the darkest era in the history of Kashmir. A large number of innocent people had to leave their houses and flee out of the valley whereas a large number of people lost their lives in one of the worst holocausts in the history of mankind. This beautiful paradise on earth was turned into hell overnight and shrieks of women and children could be heard along with the sounds of the bullet in the entire Kashmir valley. Drug trafficking and Narco-terrorism is the devil’s new act that has been started by Pak to add further misery to the sufferings of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

People in Pak-occupied Jammu & Kashmir are living a fearful life under the shadow of guns and don’t have even basic human rights. There is hardly any infrastructure development. Rampant unemployment, as well as lawlessness, exists throughout Pak-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. There is a dominance of the Pak Army everywhere and there is no freedom of speech. The property and belongings of the people of Pak-occupied Jammu and Kashmir are snatched by occupant Pak soldiers who do not have any respect for Kashmiri culture and tradition. Natural resources of Pak-occupied Jammu and Kashmir are used for the growth and development of the people of Pakistan and it is not used by the locals. The puppet government of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir whose strings are in the hands of Pak Army generals who call all the shots. Those radicalized and misguided youth of Kashmir who crossed over to the other side of LoC for waging jihad against India are forced to live the lives of beggars and laborers to meet their basic needs. The life of such migrants who cross over is a living hell in Pak-occupied Kashmir

Pakistan has been having direct or indirect military dictatorships since its inception. It has been ruled by military dictators or by a puppet civil government whose strings have been controlled by the Pak military from behind the curtains. Corruption and nepotism are rampant in Pak administration and the country has been surviving on foreign aid since it came into being. There has been hardly any development in Pakistan. As on date, it is a bankrupt country that is under heavy foreign debt. Unemployment and inflation are at an all-time high and the common man is struggling to meet the basic needs of life. The law and order situation is pathetic and political uncertainty looms over Pakistan like never before. Moreover, the intelligence quotient of a common citizen of Pak is very low and their minds have been kept radicalized on religious lines and filled with Indian hatred narrative so that a common Pak citizen always keeps on thinking along these lines and never pays attention to the problems existing in Pakistani society. The dictatorship of Pak finds it suitable to them that if a common citizen of Pak is kept engaged in false narratives of fear of attack from India and shown the dream of Kashmir then people would not question their inefficiency or object to their corruption.

On similar lines, these agencies keep exploiting the religious sentiments of a few radicalized people of Kashmir and train them to raise guns against their own brethren. A developed and prosperous Kashmir does not suit them. Now the time has come when the people of Kashmir should open their eyes to reality and should realize how their sentiments have been exploited by the adversary. Real things which matter in life are prosperity and well-being. We have to give a safe and happy future to the next generation and ignore everyone who takes us back on the path of misery and suffering. Let us welcome a new era of peace and development in Kashmir.

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