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Writer's pictureJK Blue


The land of Kashmir has witnessed four major wars in the last 75 years and it is still bleeding with the effects of more than three decades-long ongoing terrorism. It is important to note that all this bloodshed has occurred solely due to the wicked and treacherous political ambition of Pakistan. India got independence on 15 August 1947 and depending upon the two-nation theory; Pakistan came into existence. Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir wanted to remain independent. Since that time onwards; Pakistan has had its evil eye on the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It has always wanted to forcibly annex the territory of Jammu and Kashmir and merge it with Pakistan. The first attempt of Pakistan to forcibly annex Jammu and Kashmir resulted in the war of 1947-48. It saw Maharaja signing the treaty of accession with India in order to save his subjects from the barbaric attack of tribal who was fully trained, equipped, sponsored, and guided by the Pakistan Army and their political masters. These savage invaders created inhumane atrocities on the people of Jammu and Kashmir and carried out large-scale loot, murder, rape, and arson. The such barbaric act is almost unparalleled in the history of mankind. Subsequently, the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir witnessed the wars of 1962, 1971, and the Kargil war of 1999, all due to Pakistan’s misadventure.

kashmir files

In addition to all these wars, there has been ongoing Pakistan-sponsored terrorism for more than three decades in Jammu and Kashmir. It has halted the process of development and left deep scars in the heart and minds of the people. Thousands have been killed and disabled for life and many have gone missing. Almost all the Kashmiri Pandits had to flee from their houses leaving behind their ancestral property and being forced to live the life of homeless citizens within their own country. The tales of suffering are countless. All this has happened due to Pakistan-sponsored terrorism which has been influencing the thoughts of innocent youngsters and pushing them on the path of terrorism. They have also been training the militants in madrasas, radicalising them in name of religion, and sending them across the border to carry out acts of terror. Jammu and Kashmir have thus suffered in the last 75 years due to a devil called Pakistan. Even if we look at the socio-political condition of Baluchistan, North West Frontier Province, and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir; we find that the condition is very poor. People of these areas controlled by Pakistan have been subjugated to the cultural hegemony of the Punjabi-Pakistan community that is mainly headed by their Army hierarchy. Large-scale atrocities and violations of human rights are carried out by security forces in these areas of Pakistan and there is hardly any respect for the dignity of the common man. Large-scale unemployment, uncontrolled inflation, lawlessness, and rampant militancy with no social security is the prevailing scenario in these areas of Pakistan which paints a misleading false story to the vulnerable young persons of Kashmir.

The elders of Kashmir have been a witness to all these wicked acts of Pakistan and have seen how their Kashmiri brothers have suffered due to the treachery of Pakistan. Pakistan has not only sent barbaric, savage militants and invaders onto Kashmiri soil to spread terror and create havoc but also brainwashed innocent young minds and forced them to pick up weapons. Thousands of parents have lost their young children due to terrorism. Bread earners of many houses have lost their life. Numerous people lost their houses, property, and earnings of life and had to flee from their homes. A number of women have undergone inhuman exploitation whose stories have never been told. A large number of ladies and children are living a life of depression. The entire process of growth and development has suffered a setback. Those sitting across the border in Pakistan have a crook’s smile on their face that they have achieved the aim of spreading socio-political unrest, spreading terrorism, and creating a blood bath in Kashmir very easily by just misguiding the youth. Elders, who have seen life over the ages and who are well aware of the true facts of life know that it is a piece of bread earned through sincere & hard work, well being of family members, and a peaceful living condition that is most important. Pakistan is like a vulture which is having an evil eye on the land and the people of Kashmir and the people of Kashmir have to protect their “Mother Land Kashmir” from this demon at any cost.

naya kashmir against Pakistan and terrorism

The elders of Kashmir tell their young persons not to fall prey to the nefarious, misleading Pak propaganda. It is important to follow the path of peace and move ahead in the direction of growth and development. The young people of today have to create a safe and prosperous tomorrow for the future generation. Thus, it is very important that the mistakes created by the generation of elder’s are not repeated by the present generation and a foundation for a bright future is laid. Let peace prevail every where and let there be growth and development.

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