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Kashmir in 2020 Spilt

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Hemant Bhanu

The year 2020 was a water shed event in the history of Kashmir that began with a great sense of optimism or may be not; what it did witness was challenging times for the Kashmiris who tested their resoluteness and desire for a change. Is the Naya Kashmir in making, I say yes.


Year 2020 was an important year in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. After years of political uncertainty, mass civil unrest and violence, the valley witnessed relative calm and political stability. In the year 2019, Kashmir valley had witnessed sensational terrorist attacks and increased recruitment of terrorists. The year also witnessed increased tensions between India and Pakistan as fallout of Pulwama terrorist attack and also a lot of political uncertainty in the state.

Bandhs and Shut downs were a frequent affair. Schools and colleges were closed, businesses were not functioning, tourism the backbone of Kashmir had taken a back seat. Kashmir had become a land where agitation and stone pelting became the order of the day.

Then suddenly a water shed decision was taken by the Government which changed everything. The Central Government decided to abrogate Article 370 of our constitution which had granted special status to the state. The state was suddenly bifurcated into two Union Territory i.e. Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. There was a total shutdown in the state as a precautionary follow up of this decision. Everything barring the essential govt services was closed; there was no mobile connectivity for months together. But there was a drastic reduction in terrorist violence and civil unrest. Within months, peace and normalcy started returning to the valley.

By the end of the year, it seemed that normalcy returned back to the state. Businesses were flourishing, tourists started visiting the valley, winter tourist resorts like Gulmarg and Pahalgam were going houseful. Government machinery started functioning without any political interference. Works on developmental projects started progressing at a brisk pace. People were seeing a strong ‘Ray of Hope’ in this tunnel of darkness. A hope for a better future, a hope for a better life. The year 2019 ended on a positive note.

People welcomed 2020 with a strong sense of optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. Businesses were flourishing, the youth and children were waiting for their schools and colleges to open, hotel owners and tour operators were expecting a bumper tourist season after years of dullness. The youth had shunned violence and had rejected this false narrative of ‘Lies and deceit’ sponsored by our neighbours and spread by a few self-serving people who were now behind bars.

But when it was time for the people of Kashmir to take the giant leap, the world was struck by COVID-19 pandemic. There were lockdowns and shutdowns everywhere. Offices, schools, colleges, shops, hotels, buses and flights, everything came to a standstill. It was the poor who were the worst affected. Since there was no travel, there were no tourists. Tourism, the backbone of Kashmir again suffered for the fifth consecutive year. But the people of Kashmir showed resilience like never before.

They fully cooperated with the administration in imposing the lockdown and patiently waited for the easing of restrictions. Kashmir was embracing change. People wanted peace and displayed their full faith in the administration. The political leaders who were behind bars were gradually released, however there was no chaos on the streets. Government announced the conduct of DDC and Panchayat elections in the state. The elections were held peacefully and witnessed an unprecedented turnout of voters. The festival of democracy was celebrated with great fervour when people came out in large numbers to vote despite threats from Anti National elements. These elections transferred the real power in the hands of the people. The newly elected DDC members and Sarpanchs now have increased Administrative and Financial powers. They will now the able to execute development projects in a much prompt and speedy manner and bring a meaningful change in the lives of the common man.

The year 2020 was a water shed event in the history of Kashmir. It began with a great sense of optimism; however it also witnessed challenging times for the Kashmiri people who tested their resoluteness and desire for a change. There was a drastic reduction in terrorist violence. The youth of Kashmir had rejected this false narrative glorifying ‘Violence and Bloodshed’. Kashmir voted for change, a change towards a better future and a better Kashmir. It is now a matter of time that Kashmir becomes the Paradise once it was and Kashmiriyat, its heart and soul will become a way of life for its people.

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