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S Jagadeesan

Independent Kashmir is a Myth

S Jagadeesan

Thought for the Independent Kashmir had been mooted by certain political parties to gain political mileage among the local population.

If Kashmir becomes independent under the leadership of the separatist leaders and militants, it will be thrown back into middle ages instead of moving forward as these leaders will have Islamic fundamentalism as their ideology.

Jammu and Kashmir became the state of Union of India after signing of Instrument of accession by Maharaja Hari Singh. Under the Article 370 special status was granted to state of Jammu and Kashmir which conferred with power to have separate constitution, a state Flag and autonomy over the internal administration of the state.

Most of the times it is argued by the scholars that this special status and Article 35A which was added to the constitution through Presidential order in the year 1954 have been responsible for discriminatory nature among residents and non development of the region. However, with the issue of new Presidential order on 5 Aug 2019 all the provisions of the Indian Constitution were made applicable to the state and all special privileges were abrogated. The implementation of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019 reconstituted the region of Jammu and Kashmir as Union Territory under Union of India with effect from 31 October 2019. Historical background.

Kashmir is a beautiful region and is traversed by numerous mountains that are snow clad during winter. People of this region have traditionally been known as Kashmiris who are peace loving and self caring in nature. In ancient and medieval period this region has been important region for the development of Hindu and Buddhist culture. Various temples and literature available on this aspect are the testimony to it. The arrival of Islam in the 13 th century and preaching by numerous Muslim ulemas from central Asia had resulted in conversion of thousands of Kashmiris to Islam and also imparted Persian influences on the local Kashmiri culture. Sunni- Shia division among Kashmiris paved way for the Mughal occupation of Kashmir in 16 th century. Afghan rule that followed in the 18 th century were repressive to Kashmiris and the success of Maharaja Ranjit Singh had ensured relief from Afghan rule. In the year 1846 the Kashmir came under the Hindu Dogra maharaja under the British suzerainty. Freedom movement in Kashmir.

On joining the Union of India, the leaders of the Political parties in Kashmir believed to inherit the democratic values to the society as Indian National leaders were strongly committed towards it. Thought for the Independent Kashmir had been mooted by certain political parties to gain political mileage among the local population. In order to satisfy the leaders, Special privileges were granted on the account of greater autonomy to the Region. The successive State governments since the year 1952 had failed to improve the standard of living of the population. There had always been budget deficits that had to be met through borrowing funds from Union of India. The monetary aid and schemes that were launched by the government didn't reach the mass population due to corruption in the bureaucracy. The rights and privileges have only been enjoyed by the affluent classes that let to distress among the common people.

Monetary support from Pakistan and other Arab nations paved way to rise of separatist groups in the Region. The teaching by madrasas had indoctrinated Muslim boys with anti-Muslim thoughts that resulted in anti social activities. Iranian Revolution and Rise of Taliban in Afghanistan were seen as the motivation for the Kashmiri Muslim Youths to be part of the Liberation force that can liberate the people of Jammu and Kashmir. There had been increase in violence in the region since the year 1990. Sufism has been replaced by Wahhabi brand of Islam that has resulted in radicalisation of Kashmiri Muslim Youths. The children of 10 years old were seen peddling stones and hurling anti India Slogans. Sufi shrines were burnt. Terrorists started targeting migrant workers and killing of Truck drivers from other parts of the country. The freedom movement as envisaged by the Separatists has been converted into terrorist activities.

Independent Kashmir, A Myth

The myth of Independent Kashmir needs to be understood by all Kashmiris. If Kashmir becomes independent under the leadership of the separatist leaders and militants, it will be thrown back into middle ages instead of moving forward as these leaders will have Islamic fundamentalism as their ideology. Sharia law will be imposed and women will be compelled to wear the burqa. The Young women making their identities be it in sport, handicraft, music or information technology will be forced to limit their talent. The Kashmiri handicraft will be forced to shut down. Thus instead of getting better lives, Kashmiris will suffer. Kashmir is too small as an independent state to survive. If Kashmir is separated from India it will inevitably come under the Pakistani or Chinese rule either directly or indirectly. The Kashmiris may even face situation being faced by people of Tibet or Xijiang province of China. The people of Kashmir need to understand and analyse is this the Azadi they want. Development of Kashmir Region.

Since the abrogation of Article 370 the incidents of violence on security forces have reduced drastically and the spread of terror module has been contained. The main focus of the government is to ensure all round development plans reach common population and also bring back the misguided youth to main stream. Job vacancies in the government department have been notified and measures are being undertaken to fullfill these Jobs. Reservation in Jobs are being implemented for economically weaker section and to all those living in Border areas. The project like construction of Railway Bridge over Chenab River at the height of 359 meters from the ground level will connect the valley with rest of India by train. Land registration process has been reformed and e- tendering process in all government projects have been made mandatory to increase transparency. Funds are being released by the centre

for development of Road transport, energy and irrigation schemes.

Horticulture and Handicraft industry are being developed to ensure boost to the economy of the region. Market Intervention Schemes launched by government of India had ensured direct procurement of apples from farmers that resulted in increase in income to the Farmers. Tourism sector is being revived on a large scale. The implementation of centre sponsored welfare schemes will benefit all sections of Kashmiri people. Moreover illegal Funds flowing from overseas have been curtailed and the Reforms in the field of education system will surely help in transforming the attitude of Kashmiri youth. The recent conduct of District development council elections have brought in the hope that the nation believes in the democratic process.

All these steps are positive sign towards normalcy. There are only few people in the region still raising the demand of Independent Kashmir for their own self interest and with the steps being undertaken by the government of India the region will prosper and the demand for Independence will surely fade away.

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