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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has largely been kept behind the doors of Pakistan rulers & government. The locals of POK are being oppressed regularly and they are not allowed to raise the voice of concerns since they have been illegally occupied by Pakistan. The Kashmiri's of PoK are far behind as far as the overall development is concerned even compared to Pakistan. Over and above this due to strict press control and lack of legitimate mouthpiece for voicing and representing their political and socioeconomic grievances, they do not have adequate means of expressing dissatisfaction with the Pakistani government's regional policies and are suffering from under development, which are not known in the world forum.

pak is the production house  of the terrorism

Through negligence since the historic times by Pakistan towards PoK in development of their basic needs, poor infrastructure, resources and technology has been the only constant till date. Pakistani government has not taken sufficient measures to encourage any development oriented investment in the region. The blame game by local political and social activists is a regular practice against the Pakistan government machinery and especially Pakistani Army, which is the main force for keeping this region’s people underprivileged. Meanwhile both Pakistani government machinery and Pakistan army are busy in making plans and arranging funds of sponsoring terror for creating disturbances in J&K. As they are making false propaganda of Human rights violations by Indian government & Indian security agencies in J&K while at the same time they continue to harass the locals in PoK who are under their forced annexation since 1947.

It is no hidden truth that Pakistan wants to keep the Kashmir insurgencies issue internationally alive to divert the attention of international community and to conceal its atrocities being done in PoK. Pakistan is unleashing its terror by imparting training to the individual of the valley in the areas of PoK which is acting as its breeding ground for terrorism so that they can be pushed into the Indian soil. According to some reports, there are numerous terror camps running in PoK for creating an anti-India sentiment in Kashmir. The amount of wealth which otherwise could have been utilised for creation of better local infrastructure, employment opportunities and other welfare schemes is being diverted for their own sponsored terror and false propaganda in Kashmir. The resultant is that the cost of the same is born by our own brethren in Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan keep making hue & cry with regard to the underdeveloped & unemployment in the Kashmir valley which seeing above stands as a unprecedented and white lie. When compared with Pak occupied Jammu & Kashmir, we have much better road network infrastructure, railways, government welfare schemes, effective government machinery, education and health sector.

The lie in the Pakistani propaganda can be gauged by comparison in education field which is the basis of any development in the society across the world. At present, Pak is spending only 135 Cr Rupees on education in PoK while our government is spending an average of 1100 Cr Rupees on education in J&K. Even the figures of universities and education institutes (183 universities and colleges including 18 medical colleges) in Jammu & Kashmir is far more than a total of only eight such institutes in PoK including only three medical colleges. PoK has been similarly neglected state in health sector too. The poverty rate in PoK is 34% which means every third person is below poverty line in PoK. Suppressive policies of Pakistan against local Kashmiris of PoK are ranging from forced disappearances, torture, political repression and suppression of freedom of speech. According to their own, Pakistan Human right commission, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) carries out extensive surveillance operations on the press and the groups which are led by local residents of PoK and are constantly carrying out arrests leading to torture, disappearances and custodial deaths. Similar incidences have reported by number of International human rights watchdogs in regards of curbing of basic freedom, political repression. To aggravate the matter further, none of the Pakistani Security agencies are being held accountable for such grave human rights violations.

Pak is responsible for the harsh condition of pok and pok is destroyed by pak

Local activists and leaders of regional political parties are being targeted openly by Pakistani security agencies mainly ISI for protesting and raising their voices against misconduct of Pak Army. Some reports also suggest that locals who refuse to join terrorist groups for infiltration into the Indian Territory are either getting killed or get disappeared under mysterious circumstances. In many reports by various Human Rights agencies has documented evidence of violation of Human Rights in POK by United Nations, such as "Restriction on right to freedom of expression and association, impact of counter terrorism on Human Rights, restriction on the freedom of religion as belief and on involuntary disappearances". Thus, it is clearly evident that people in PoK are being oppressed regularly and Pak is promoting a false narrative of such oppression in a peaceful Jammu & Kashmir.

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