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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Gender equality means everyone, regardless of their gender has the same rights, opportunities and respect. It’s about lev elling the playing field so that whether you’re male, female, or non-binary, you’ve got the same shot at success. When everyone’s given the same opportunities, society as a whole thrives. Gender equality makes life better for everyone. By ensuring everyone can chase their dreams without hitting gender-based roadblocks, we create a happier, healthier and more prosperous world for all.

Let’s dive into why gender equality is such a big deal. Only about 49% of women worldwide participate in the workforce compared to 75% of men. That’s a huge gap. In leadership roles, women hold just 28% of managerial positions globally. Now, focusing in on India, women make up about 21% of the labour force, which is quite low compared to other countries. On the bright side, India has seen a significant increase in the number of girls enrolled in schools over 90% of girls now complete primary education. But when it comes to pay, Indian women still earn, on average, 20% less than men for the same work. These stats show us why pushing for gender equality is so crucial. Gender inequality is still a thing and a complex issue are.

Firstly, cultural norms and stereotypes play a huge role. In our society boys and girls are often treated differently. Boys are encouraged to be strong and ambitious, while girls are pushed to be nurturing and polite. These stereotypes stick around and shape how we see ourselves and each other. Secondly, in many parts of the world, girls are still denied the chance to go to school. Without education, their opportunities shrink and they’re often stuck in low-paying jobs or in worse cases forced into early marriages. Thirdly, women often get paid less than men for the same work. It’s called the gender pay gap.  This economic disparity keeps the cycle of inequality going strong. In some countries, laws still exist that limit women’s rights and freedoms. Even where the laws are fair, enforcement can be weak. Without women in decision-making roles, policies often fail to address their needs.

Also, Social and family pressures add another layer. Women are often expected to juggle work and family duties, which can limit their career growth, Here are some ideas that can help us move toward a fairer world for everyone,Firstly, education is the foundation. Educating girls and boys equally is a game changer. When girls have access to education, they gain the tools to stand on their own feet and make informed decisions. Educated girls grow into empowered women who can break the cycle of poverty and inequality.

Secondly, closing the gender pay gap is crucial. Women should earn the same as men for the same work.  Companies need to be transparent about salaries and commit to fair pay practices.

Thirdly, when women lead, they bring diverse perspectives that benefit everyone. Companies and governments should create pathways for women to climb the career ladder.

Fourthly, legal reforms are a must. Governments need to ensure that laws protect women’s rights and that these laws are enforced. Strong legal frameworks create a safer, fairer environment for everyone.

Moreover, campaigns, workshops, and media can shine a light on gender issues and educate the public. The more people understand the importance of gender equality, the more they’ll support it. Awareness is the first step toward change. Women plays an incredible role in the development of Kashmir. Women in Kashmir have been breaking barriers and making significant contributions to the region’s growth and some of the efforts are: -

At the forefront, educated women are game changers in Kashmir, they’re leading the charge. Take the inspiring stories of women like Parveena Ahanger, who founded the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons. She’s not just an advocate for justice but also a beacon of hope. Moreover, Kashmiri women are stepping up as entrepreneurs, creating businesses that not only support their families but also boost the local economy. From running small scale industries like handicrafts and weaving to launching start-ups in tech and service sectors, these women are proving that they’ve got the chops to thrive in the business world. As nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers in Kashmir, many of whom are women, have been on the front lines, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re the unsung heroes, keeping communities healthy and strong. Also, women in Kashmir are the custodians of rich traditions and cultural heritage. They play a pivotal role in preserving and promoting Kashmiri arts, music, and cuisine. Through festivals, cultural programs and everyday life, they keep the region’s vibrant culture alive. It is heartening that More women in Kashmir are getting involved in politics and governance, advocating for policies that support education, healthcare and women’s rights. Their involvement ensures that women’s voices are heard and that development policies are inclusive. Gender equality is a necessity. When we talk about levelling the playing field, we’re talking about giving everyone a fair shot at life, no matter their gender. Imagine a world where women and men can pursue their dreams without barriers. It starts with educating ourselves and others, challenging outdated norms and pushing for policies. The road ahead might be long, but every step forward counts. Every little action we take brings us closer to a more equal world.

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