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Vikrant Chauhan

Fix Sorrow of Kashmir

Vikrant Chauhan

Mea chhu mooray lalvun naar (I have to nurture the fire of love everyday)

Rasool Mir (1840-1870)


Strings Attached in History

Afghan Amir Sher Ali Khan (in the center with his son) and his delegation in Ambala, near Lahore, in 1869
Pashtuns. Afghan Amir Sher Ali Khan (in the center with his son) and his delegation in Ambala, near Lahore, in 1869

The mystical and beautiful land of Kashmir is and has always been an inseparable part of Indian subcontinent since times immemorial. The state that we proudly call as the Crown of India has played an important part in shaping the Indian history as it is today. The prized land has always caught the eye of the foreign invaders and looters due to its rich cultural heritage and wealth. The Alexander, Mongols and many similar invaders had a vulture’s eye on the state and they plundered it with ruthlessness. The state now faces a proxy and unconventional war scenario with the backing of Pakistan that has invested in and worked hard since the independence to incite terrorism in the state. The efforts of Pakistan to forcefully occupy Kashmir has borne no fruit and it’s attempts to bring Kashmir under its own jurisdiction by use of Pakhtun terrorists in 1947 were foiled by the Indian Army. Since then all its attempts have been unconventional by funding and supporting terrorism in the state. These continuous brutal assaults for centuries has just added to the sorrows of the land and people, and has affected the whole nation.

Pakistan’s invasion of Kashmir was darkest hour in history of Jammu and Kashmir

22nd October 1947: When barbarian hordes of Paistan descended on Kashmir to plunder, rape and destroy

Leaving the historical part, even if we just consider the recent history from 1947, the land has been bone of contention between India, Pakistan and China. The two countries, Pakistan and China have used every means to break the state and its people, so that they can lay blame on India and turn Kashmiris against their own country. To say, that they have completely failed to achieve their motive would be a lie. As a matter of fact, terrorism has survived and flourished only because the people have started believing the lives of our neighbours. For over three decades now Kashmir has been battling with this menace. Their own identity of Kashmiriyat has suffered a huge blow at the hands of fanatics who believe that they are fighting for a cause and justify the killing of civilians and other barbaric acts, using religion as a tool. The state has seen the downfall in all fields. The tourism sector which was one of most blooming sectors of the state and accounted for majority of GDP for state and jobs for youth has been badly hit and reduced to a very minimal activity. The state has bled economically due to terrorism and added to the problems for the administration and civilians. It pains the heart to see that, over the years, the civilians have got used to live amongst fear and violence.

Terrorists Woo Kashmiri Youth

The uncertainty of losing their loved ones, uncertainty of young school or college going children to be wooed by terrorists in the name of religion, uncertainty of them running away and picking weapons, uncertainty of never to return back again, sadly all such fears plague the minds of the Kashmiri people. They are forced to give shelter to terrorists in their homes, even give them money and food, although they are aware that it is wrong. Kashmiri people only want to live a normal, routine and peaceful life with their loved ones. They do not cherish the lavish life, but only the loving company of their sons/ husbands/ fathers. They have now decided to rise against all sorts of oppression, raise their voices and demand freedom from this unwanted baggage and blot that they have to carry.

These separatists and terrorists have been taking the decency of the common Kashmiri civilians for granted and have mistaken it for cowardice. It is high time now that those responsible for this chaos in Kashmir, pay for the condition that they have put this state in. All their evil schemes and wrong doings will not go unnoticed at international level as well as in the eyes of common Kashmiris. They will have to be blamed, to be held accountable for what they have done. These people will not easily wash their hands away from the sins that they have committed for their political and selfish gains. Indian government, Indian Army, local people and civil administration together will have to fulfill their responsibilities and play a key role in bringing this place out of its sorrows. Not just to show the world the correct picture of Kashmir, but also to help our brothers rise to their former glories and live a life of peace and prosperity. It is a fact that history comes to full circle and this state has fought through the worst times and now is ready to embrace the good times.

Unity in Diversity

Every Kashmir life is valuable for this country and their contributions in various fields cannot be neglected. The identity and culture of Jammu and Kashmir will be preserved and all efforts and resources are being directed towards the progress of the region. Once the resolve is their and the goal is set, no one I repeat no one in the world can stop us. This country advocates of Unity in Diversity’ and that has been the biggest strength and the reason of our survival over the millennia. We are proud of our heritage and do not wish outsiders, who cannot even look after their own people, interfere with us. Such people try to lure Kashmiris by fake promises, but as a matter of fact, they are not capable of looking after their own people. And the world knows that we the Indians have always been loyal to the Motherland and we will make all sacrifices to safeguard it.

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