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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Haider was still in shock. He couldn't believe that his elder brother would slap him hard. Looking at his father's picture on the wall, he rushed out of the house. It was one fine evening of September month, gazing at the setting sun, Haider was lost in childhood memories. He was 8 when he lost his father to Tuberculosis. Now he lives with Fatima (mother), Abdul (elder brother), who is a Doctor and three other siblings. Being the youngest, Haider was raised with full affection and love but the craving of flying independently in this world, led him close to anti- social elements, of which Abdul, who works in an government hospital, got to know and tried his best to persuade his younger brother but all in vain.

Haider works with the coordination of multiple agents in the valley. Nineteen years old Haider is unaware of the consequences of delivering these small little capsules consisting of brownish powder which is in very high demand among the youngsters of the Valley. Abdul is worried for the younger brother and prays to God to show the right path to the strayed child. Haider came home late today, by then, it was dinner time. Abdul was feeling sorry for slapping him, so he called Haider near to him and once again tried his bit to explain the negative aspects of the work that Haider was into.

“Do you also consume these capsules?” Asked Abdul in an authoritative tone. “No” replied Haider sheepishly. “Do you know what these tablets do to the person you deliver?” “No, I don’t want to even know; it is their choice. They’re asking for it from me and taking it. I have nothing to do with”. “Do you know this work is illegal and the government officials can be sought after you?”. “I don’t know what is legal and illegal, all I know is that the money from these capsules will be used in jihad and terrorist brotherhood will be benefited“.

“It has become impossible for me to make you understand what is right and what is wrong Haider, our father did not raise us to be something like that. Why don’t you understand this is nothing that we are doing for the betterment of humanity“.

Haider was thought provoked, he spent all night thinking about what his brother wanted to tell him, he even consulted his younger sisters and wanted to know that if their father was alive; what would he suggest him to do. Finally, in the morning Haider decided to stop doing this work and leave the environment into which he had come because of these capsules. He went to his friend and told him that he will no longer be doing this work. His friend was agonized and told Haider that he cannot leave this work; someone who joins the gang of capsules cannot leave it on his whims and fancies. But Haider as usual did not listen to anyone he just stopped delivering the consignments which were assigned to him; this caused lot of loss in terms of money to the terrorist organisation as the money which could have come after selling these consignments would have been used to buy weapons, ammunition and bombs in the fight against humanity.

The Tanzeem of terrorists took this on their ego and decided to teach Haider a lesson. The next morning when Abdul was leaving for his work to the government hospital, two masked men on a bike with a small pistol attacked Abdul and shot him on his head. The message was clear to all the people of Kashmir that no one should be serving for the government and for the betterment of humanity. They wanted Kashmir to be a rogue state running under the influence of weapons, drugs and other anti-social elements. Haider was heartbroken, he considered himself to be the reason for the tragic death of his brother Abdul. He understood the clear motive of the terrorists behind the narcotics scam; and wanted nothing but revenge. Haider straight away went to the Army camp and informed them about the entire network of which he was aware.

‘Three terrorists killed and 570 kg of drugs seized’ this made headlines of the front page in almost all the newspapers of Kashmir.This is not a story of one Haider of Kashmir, but there are many. Most of them are even influenced by these drugs and cannot come out of it now. It is a sincere request to all the Kashmiri people out there that do not indulge in such crimes and make your near and dear ones aware about the consequences of narcotics.

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