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Digital Jihad

Nitin Kumar

The ability to use modern communication technology, social media in particular to seduce groups and individuals into carrying out acts of violent extremism across widely dispersed territories is a matter of worldwide concern. With the advancement in technology, the threat of terrorism has been of growing concern, especially because the Internet has helped terrorists to finance, recruit new members, plan their attacks, and amplify their messages.

Digital Jihad Terror
Picture Credits : ANI News, Jun 22, 2020

What is Digital Jihad ?

" Digital Jihad is the propagation of contents in support of conventional and traditional Jihad through internet-based websites and mobile applications. It includes source of Jihadi contents, modes of propagation and intended vulnerable target audience."

Digital Jihad in Kashmir is not new, however it has evolved from the era of Narebazi and Kashmir wali Azadi in the 90s, when terrorists used to employ radio sets and satellite phones to communicate. The indications of a shift from the physical to the virtual domain were distinctly visible during the 2010 protests when misguided youth in Kashmir displayed their resentment by engaging in heavy stone pelting and massive protests using social media tools, particularly text messaging via mobile phones. But, the arrival of Whatsapp and Telegram on the scene has been a game changer for insurgency in the valley. Support groups created by Over Ground Workers (OGWs) are causing interference in the operations of security forces by immediate and massive mobilization of stone pelters in a matter of minutes. Videos, messages et al defaming and projecting the government and security forces in poor light are much easier to circulate and have become a prime mover for the masses.

According to an analysis of reactions on the social media platforms, after the killing of Burhan Wani, during July 8-14, 2016, it was found that out of a sample of 1,26,000 reactions, 45% of respondents were from unknown geographic locations, 47% from Indian locations and approximately 8% from Pakistan.

Social Media has become a carrier of Digital Jihad

Themes adopted by digital terrorists ranged from Ghazwa-e-Hind, Freedom for Kashmir, Unification with Pak and Jihad against Infidels - Duty of Every Muslim. The goings-on in the valley clearly indicate that unless checked, social media bears the potential threat of radicalizing Kashmiri youth towards taking up arms against the state.

Hate posts channelised by Terrorists org on Instagram

Social networking sites are also being used for trading weapons online. Facebook is quite popular in hosting online bazaars for weapons ranging from small grenades to heavy machine guns and guided missiles. These online bazaars provide open platforms for terrorists groups to buy weapons and explosives for their attacks. It has also increased the capability of lone wolf attackers in any region.

Online tutorials supported by scripts, audios and videos are available on online Jihadi websites for new volunteers to learn about handling of arms, ammunition, explosives and even how to carry out attacks. Online classes on hacking, encryption and maintaining anonymity are also available for their followers to learn. Separatist parties and terrorists groups are extensively using social media platforms in formulating and propagating Anti-India and Anti-Security Forces themes and narratives.

In June 2005, a militant Arabic language website Tasjdid-Al-Islami uploaded a series of training videos for beginner Mujahideen that covered discussions on basic physical fitness, ninja martial arts, uniforms, battle fatigues and radio/ mobile communication techniques. 
There exists credible evidence of youth being lured by Jihadi contents available on digital platforms and websites. The popular ones include Facebook, Snapchat, Telegram, Kashbook, Reddit, Skype and its other applications. 
As per the statistics, as many as 191 local youth joined various militant outfits, especially the Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Jammu and Kashmir in 2018, 65 more than 2017. Out of these 191 recruits, 139 alone hailed from South Kashmir districts - Pulwama, Shopian, Kulgam and Anantnag. Among districts in South Kashmir, the highest number of youth recruited (59) was from Pulwama.

Who Funds Jihad activities ?

Fund raising through online means is like supplying oxygen to cyber jihad. The terrorist groups are using mails, messages and encrypted links to collect donations for the group. Every terrorist group is also linked with non terrorist religious/ political party which collects the funds and transfers the same by hawala transactions.

Hacking of bank systems, finance firms and other systems on digital platforms are new trends in collecting funds. Another method of collecting money is based on their popularity. For example IS’s multimedia products used to receive as many as two million mentions per month on Twitter. Crypto Currencies are the new dark web currency which operates on block chain method with no actual tender or asset value.

It is very difficult to track transactions being carried out through various anonymous virtual currency exchanges. Financial Action Task Force report to G20 in 2018 established the usage of crypto currencies by terrorist organizations and listed out 106 cases of linkages between terrorists and crypto currencies.

Which are Terrorists Tanzeems in Kashmir promulgate Digital Jihad ?

The terrorists groups which are reportedly active in digital and cyber domain in Kashmir include HM, JeM, LeT, HuM, Al Badr and recently Ansar Gazwat-ul Hind. These terrorists groups are exploiting the reach and accessibility of the internet to influence and brainwash the impressionable minds of adolescents in Kashmir. Using the internet and mobile OS based websites and social media platforms, these tanzeems are spreading the contents based on the multiple themes of radicalization like Freedom of Kashmir, Jihad in Kashmir, Unification of Kashmir with Pakistan, Radicalization of Sangbazz (Stone Pelter's) Force etc. They suitably employ audio- visual propaganda, per-recorded videotapes, computer audio-video games and jihad inspired music in order to spread radical ideology and to reach supporters across the globe.

Pakistan Sponsoring Jihadi Terrorism in India

Pakistan’s role in cultivating, grooming and nurturing militants needs no elaboration. Reports suggest that Hafiz Saeed mooted the idea of using social media extensively in order to fuel anti-India sentiments in the Valley.

The Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD)/ LeT has several well trained social media cells across Pakistan. These cells have been used under the umbrella of several front organisations such as Difa-e-Pakistan Council and Falah-e-Insaniat foundation Pakistan.

The symbiotic relationship between JuD and HM often extends to training and motivating cadres, and it is conceivable that social media initiatives by young militants like Burhan Wani not only gained approval but also support from these groups.

Before the Pakistani “Deep State” and transnational terrorist groups spread their tentacles more in Kashmir, there is a requirement for India to formulate multi- pronged; political, diplomatic, psychological and spiritual methodology involving multiple stakeholders including multiple layers of engagement. Today, all forms of Indian media need to collectively contribute to strengthen Indian capabilities at this front. Every Indian using social media is an information warrior of India; hence every effort towards radicalisation of youth should be countered or disproved. Planned awareness programs to be conducted for the population. Speeches by religious leaders at various forums as part of de-radicalization drive in order to bring the misguided youth to the main stream are the need of the hour.

Implementation of restrictions on use of mobile and internet in terrorists prone areas should be resorted to whenever required. Exposing radicalized sleeper cells to protect the future generation from radicalization should be the focus area. This can be done by identifying the accounts/ persons involved in online/ physical radicalization and exposing them to the public and police authorities.

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