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Decoding Hybrid Militancy : A Stooge Battle of Kashmir


The new variable of contours of militancy in Kashmir has put scholars back to think on the radar of patterns and ideological drift. Changing nature of militancy identifies the roots of emergence of a new and more challenging phase. ‘Hybrid militancy’ is a new dimension of terror, which Kashmir is facing today. Where the previous phase was considered to be fuelled out of affront of state elections, the new phase does not have any clear symptoms of emergence. Indeed, the unfolding of hybrid terror has reproduced a military movement, which has played a significant role to glorify violence and adopt ideologies of shadow of militancy. The article unidentified and newly embedded security threats has newly forged out term “Hybrid Militancy’ to Kashmir within civilian society.

A news agency ‘Press Trust of India’ reported on the course of hybrid militants as a ‘new challenge’ for security forces. Agency elaborating on the term ‘hybrid militants’ after the spike on soft targets said,” Security forces in Kashmir are facing new challenge on military front – The presence of ‘hybrid militants’, who are not listed as ultras but radicalised enough to carry out a terror strike and then slip back to routine life”. The rationale on the statement is the new banner of militancy emerged from involvement of local youth. Data over recent past witnessed a multiplication in incidents carried out by local youth, where most of the episodes were pistol born incidents. Attacker identified in these incidents were not listed as militants in any record. These part time militants stamped as hybrid militants, who carry out inch- perfect attack with full knowledge of area and security patterns.

The ISI backed insurgency in Kashmir has a history to create many fronts at same time in order to put physical and psychological pressure on security forces from multiple directions. It is quite visible that organised militant outfits of Kashmir are adopting a new strategy by keeping actual identity of militants under the lid to confound security arrangements everywhere. After failure of spread of militant landscape, the new narrative is to attract homegrown radicalised youth with unsubstantial associations with organised outfits to carry out attacks. Many agencies uncovered the fact of origin of new trend on directions of ISI, Pakistan based intelligence organisation. Pakistan’s strategy is to strengthen new militant outfit like The Resistance Front (TRF), United Liberation Front of Kashmir (ULFK), and many others to rent hybrid force to accomplish associated cause rather than recruiting or commissioning them. Redesigned method of spreading terror through hybrid and rented force is formulated to engage the targets which are less likely to reciprocate.

With the India emerging as new power internationally in all domains, adversary knows that face to face battle with India is not going to produce any dividend. ISI is aware that taking on India through military dimension of militancy is not easy. Survival of outsourced militancy in Kashmir also demands mass weaponry, huge monetary expenditure and constant training and motivation to cause their existence. Pressure from international forums working against militancy is another factor that cannot be ruled out. Yet Pakistan can multiply foothold of hybrid militants as there is no dearth of radicalised mindset in local youth. Another tool available with ISI to attract locals is weapon of sentiments. Role of ISI in promoting hybrid militancy is apparent from the terms used by Pakistan based militant organisations in their online releases like ‘Lone Tiger’, ‘Lone Wolf’ or ‘Lone Mujahid’.

In a report released by ‘India Today’ on Oct 15, 2021, the secret meeting between ISI and leaders of several militant outfits in POK’s Muzaffarabad was revealed. As per report.The meeting allegedly determined to carry out maximum target assassination on Indian side of Kashmir. It was agreed on that Kashmiris, who work with police, security service and intelligence agencies would be slain. According to notice, ISI had compiled a hit-list of 200 persons, whom to be killed in order to instil fear in the valley.

The new era of militancy features specific tendencies and trends that are distinguished from previous stages. Extensive and deft use of internet for weapon training and militant recruiting design has set apart new militancy. Fundamentally, the essence of Kashmir war has shifted from predominantly fight by foreign terrorist to local militancy in conjunction with hybrid militancy today. The association of radicalised youth in muddles of militancy is placing colossal strain on armed forces to set the seal on safety of innocent civilians. Youth under new banner of hybrid militancy displays the reach of terrorist outfits gaining the ground in Kashmir.

Some researchers observe hybrid side of militancy and choosing firearm as a youth phenomenon. Young people join part time militancy because of thrill seeking mindset according to some of researchers after observing the age bracket of youth newly joined militant ranks. Most of hybrid section of militants are in their late teens or early twenties. This is because people are particularly receptive to the allure of networks that provide coherent narrative of negative mindset. Reports disclose a huge number of youngsters gone missing in recent past. This is believed that these missing identities have joined militant outfit.

The word ‘hybrid militants’ first came in focus after a series of slain militants were acknowledged with no record in known militant outfit. The word ‘hybrid militant’ although new is presently tracking down a spot in vocabulary of a conventional Kashmiri also.Youth engagement in terror outfit must be taken seriously and considered imaginatively targeted. Present shift in militancy culture needs a shift in security forces. The aim of uncovering and destroying the ‘hybrid force’ has to be build upon the pillars of seamless monitoring, robust intelligence network, showing presence everywhere and skillful use of technology. Every available avatar of media must be used to persuade exterminate radicalisation out of young society. Attempts to fight the stooge battle against the new hybrid crop of militancy with durability yet with efficient approaches will be greeted by security forces as well as innocent civilins in the valley.

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