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Writer's pictureJK Blue


Kashmir is a jewel crowned in the North of India scattering its glory all over the world. This is the place which is known as ‘Paradise on Earth’, due to its magnificent beauty. Nature has lavishly endowed Kashmir with certain distinctive favors which hardly find a parallel in any land of the world.This roof and crown of India has been engulfed in the mire of insurgency and unrest for what seems like times of yore. The paradise on earth has been a victim and witness of exoduses, erratic demographic transitions, destruction of temples and decimation of cultural identity. Despite being subjected to multiple attempts of annihilation, this legendary state has only come out stronger each time it was challenged.

While the history of a state plays a crucial role in its existence, the present plays an equally important role, too. The Abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35A has undoubtedly brought a much-needed respite to the state and its citizens. There seems to be a significant amount of relief in the state as it celebrates one year of the historic event. J&K’s commencement to normalcy is nothing short of impressive and by the looks of it, this journey is bound to get better and fruitful. With militancy and separatism biting the dust, alongside infrastructure and administration ramp up is bound to catapult the UT onto the path of development and prosperity. The inflow of new skills, resources and facilities is imminent on the once terror struck lands of Kashmir. Creation of new jobs, industries and education would be the building blocks indeed. The ones threatened now are the Separatists, militants and some mosques which harbor terrorists and have survived solely on radicalizing youth, gathering stone pelters and creating nuisance.

The application of Articles 370 and 35 A placed restrictions on transfer of land. As a result private investment in developmental works was severely constrained. No large industries developed in the state. No major investment in Education, Health or Tourism came in because of which employment opportunities especially for youth remained restricted. Removal of these restrictions and implementation of new land laws and new model of ‘Development through Investment’ will encourage industry and private infrastructure in the State. This will spur growth and employment leading to prosperity for all. Industrialization of the state will multiply job opportunities for local youth. Local horticulture and food processing will get a big boost. Handicraft industry which was earlier limited to select destinations will now be able to directly export and collaborate both nationally and internationally.

The Youth of Kashmir which is the spring of its life and possess lots of talent remained way backward as compared to their counter parts in other parts of the country due to the old system. The higher education all across the country has witnessed a boom but not in J&K. No single private university functions currently in J&K. Thousands of students from J&K have to go to other parts of India to study every year. While the children of the elite and the privileged study abroad, the children of the poor in J&K have been denied even a decent education facility. Under the new system, the education sector will get a big boost through PPP model wherein there will be no compulsion for students to go outside for education. Large private investment in health and education is expected. This will lead to employment opportunities and growth. There will be significant upgradation in education facilities for all, particularly the children of the poor. The focus of the government is education, industrialization and boost to tourism. Right to Education shall now be extended to J&K to ensure universal education coverage for all children. The Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 will now be applicable here and will ensure adequate protection of women and child rights. The Backward Castes in J&K will get full benefits of reservation in employment and education like in the rest of the country.

Another big initiative of the new system is ‘Development Through Democracy’. Now the 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment have become applicable. Constitutional status has been given to local self governments in rural & urban areas. All provisions relating to Panchayats and local self governments are fully applicable now. Panchayats have started getting direct funding, this will make the people decide their own developmental priorities. This will lead to strengthening of grass roots democracy. Transparency and Accountability will increase as all anti corruption central Laws including Whistle Blower Act has become applicable. Also, oversight by all central agencies and watchdogs will ensure reduced corruption. This will lead to increase in funds earmarked for the people to reach the actual beneficiaries.

Also, in a first of its kind, the government of J & K has embarked on an ambitious and extensive program known as ‘Back to Villages’ under which the government is putting in lots of efforts by reaching out to people at the grassroots level to create in the rural masses an earnest desire for decent standard of living. The 1st and 2nd phase of the program has seen an overwhelming response in terms of local enthusiasm and participation which encouraged the Union Territory to launch 3rd phase of B2V which was conducted from 2nd – 12th October 2020.

The Beginning of a New Era is all set for millions of People of J& K. There are adequate provisions and safeguards in Indian Constitution to ensure that the religious and cultural rights of every group and community are protected and preserved. We are sure to see that the problems which have been preventing Kashmir from realizing its true potential will go away and a new world of opportunities and possibilities will open for the people. J&K has always stood the test of time and will continue to emerge brighter and stronger with every challenge it overcomes.

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