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"Pakistan : A Failed State" a book by Kamal Siddiqi aptly goes through how an geopolitical and strategically located country has gone into shambles. Pakistan seen it all in its recent history with specific highlight being part of NATO alliance, partner of USA in its fight against terrorism, to being diplomatic isolated at all forums of world including all important regional alliance SAARC.

On a list of countries, maintained by United States think tank for "Peace of Fragile States" Pakistan figures in the category of "Alert" with a ranking of 29. The country as a whole continues to face multiple sources of internal and external conflicts. While on political front, there has been some stability, the country is facing mounting debt crisis with it currently dependent on its all weather allies Saudi Arabia and China for aid. The inflation has jumped to 9% while the per capita income has decreased from $1482 to $1260 from 2018 to 2020 which has lead to wide spread unrest in the country.

The external front also not escaped from the cascading effect of foreign policies which has been always biased towards internationalising Kashmir in World forum. According to Financial Action Task Force(FATF), Pakistan has been placed under "Grey" list which includes countries not doing enough against money laundering and terror financing. Pakistan continuous support to terrorism and it's double game in Afghanistan, wherein it was a member state of USA's war against terrorism and at the same time was providing safe havens for Talibani terrorist organisations, has proved to be a major sore point for the world nations.

The USA-Pakistan relationship was plagued with mistrust, especially with events like the killing of USA journalist Daniel pearl, discovery of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and the very recent takeover of Afganistan by Taliban. It has lost its credibility in the World order, which was at display during the Balakot strikes, wherein under diplomatic pressure, it had to return Wing Commander Abhinandan and its inability to internationalise the Abrogation of Article 370.

During the same time, Pakistan protested and failed to attend meeting of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which Pakistan is a founding member, as the organisation had invited Indian foreign minister to a meeting, thus loosing onto whatever little support it had at some forums. The recent assault and killing of Sri Lankan national Priyantha Kumara in Sialkot has further brought harm to international stature of Pakistan. With the exception of China and Turkey, Pakistan fails to find any support at world forum that too also because of vested interests of both countries.

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